The 1981 socioeconomic index for occupations in Canada. New Jersy: Prentice Hal International, Inc.īlishen, B. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 38-53.Īrrens, & loebbecke. Development of The Social Interest Scale for Iranian Children Aged 4-12 A Qualitative Model of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Supporting Adlerian-Based Trauma Psychotherapy. Holland: Oneworld Publication.Īlizadeh, H., Ferguson, E.
There is no significant difference between social interest and theĬharacteristics of the subjects or their family backgrounds.Īdler, A. That adolescents have moderate level social interest. Using the Social Interest Index (SII) instrument by Greever with a total of 32 items. This study was 196 people with the criteria of the age is those in the age of 12-18 years. The purpose of this study is to describe the social interest of adolescents,Įspecially regarding the family background using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Social environment to foster social interests. Should experience the process of learning and exploring and developing themselves through their surroundings and Today’s teenagers spend more time with technology than interacting with people around them whereas adolescents Social Interest, Remaja, Family Background Abstract